Town Assessor:
Matt Lippitt
- Phone Number: During office hours 607-264-3293, Outside of office hours: 607-437-1113
- Office Hours: Tuesdays from 10 am - 12 noon. Other days and times by appointment,
- Location: Town Barn, 126 Co. Hwy 50, Cherry Valley, NY 13320
- Email:
Codes Officer:
Otsego County Codes
197 Main St.
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Welcome to Otsego County, NY
Health Officer:
Patricia Mabie
993 State Highway 165
Cherry Valley, NY 13320
(607) 264-8228
Board of Review Chairperson:
Richard Hansen
Everett Yerdon
3rd seat- vacant
Town Attorney:
Parshall & West Attorneys at Law
111 Main Street
Worcester, NY 12197
(607) 397-8062
Dog Control Officer:
Robert Jorgensen
944 Whiteman Hill Road
Roseboom, NY 13450
(607) 547-4496