The Office of Town Clerk involves a great variety of duties and responsibilities. When you think "Town Clerk," you may think about licensing your dog, obtaining a Marriage License, Death Certificate, Birth Certificate, or Burial Permit. Or perhaps you attend the Town Board meetings and see the Clerk sitting with the Board. However, the Clerk's duties are diverse.
The Town Clerk has custody of all the records, books, and papers of the Town and is the Filing Officer for the Town. The Town Clerk is designated by State Law as the Town Records Management Officer.
The Town Clerk must attend all meetings of the Town Board, act as clerk thereof, and keep a complete and accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting. Minutes from all meetings are available for inspection once they are accepted by the Board at the following meeting. These remain permanent records of the Town.
The Clerk maintains the sign board at the entrance to the Town Barn for the posting of legal notices. The Clerk also serves as Tax Collector for the town.